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Summer Adult League Starts June 5th

Summer Adult League #2  - July 31st

Fall Adult league  - Sept 25th

Setters League Levels Defined


Competitive League - Top Lvl of Play

 • Tighter set calls, 1 rotation or less

 • Always attempt 3 hits

 • Very controlled passing


Competitive League - In it to Win it!

 • Tight set calls, 1 1/2 rotations or less

 • Almost always attempt 3 hits

 • Controlled passing


Our Competitive Recreational

 • Looser set calls

 • Double contact will be called

 • Attempts multiple hits during a volley

 • Attempted controlled passing


Our Recreational/Social

 • Very Relaxed set calls

 • Excessive double contact will be called

 • 3 or more hits are not common during a volley

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